Blonde Specialist

Blonde Specialist

Edvina Karajkovic är en driven, kreativ och resultatorienterad frisör med en hel del erfarenhet i bagaget sin unga ålder till trots. Hon blev handplockad till Grazette of Sweden som färgtekniker efter studierna. Där tog hon lärdom från många roliga och spännande...
Four Reasons Bleaches

Four Reasons Bleaches

A modern Nordic brand that is also salon-exclusive. This is how you can describe Finnish Four Reasons, which with attractive packaging has developed products for all hair types. From thick to thin, for everyday life and the party. There should be something for all...
Four Reasons Luxima

Four Reasons Luxima

A modern Nordic brand that is also salon-exclusive. This is how you can describe Finnish Four Reasons, which with attractive packaging has developed products for all hair types. From thick to thin, for everyday life and the party. There should be something for all...